Join us for our 4th annual Missions Conference on 

Sunday March 16, 2025 at 12:00PM

This year we are honored to have 3 guest missionaries join us to share the mighty work God is doing in their respective ministries.


Our keynote speaker, Pastor Bob Butler who has pastored Open Doors Baptist Church in Belmont, MA for over 30 years will share with us a message of hope and victory as we continue to live for and serve our Lord Jesus Christ.


David Harris from America’s Keswick in Whiting, NJ will give a testimony of The Colony of Mercy, the ministry dedicated to aid men through the Addiction Recovery Ministries while introducing them to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.  He will also minister to us in song during Sunday worship service at 10AM.


Joe Hatfield, the New England representative of Gideons International will give a testimony of the lives impacted and changed forever for the glory of God through the ministry of the Gideons as they live out their mission statement to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ of people all over the world.


During the conference, there will be an opportunity to participate in Faith Promise Giving which is a love gift pledged above and beyond the tithe that fuels our missions budget.  With your sacrificial gift sown in faith, God will continue to do great and mighty things as His Word goes forth to all nations and all peoples.


Please join us for this great time of fellowship with our guest missionaries as we rejoice and thank God for what He is doing.


A catered luncheon will be served.

Sign up sheet for this wonderful event is located in the sanctuary.

Last day to sign up is February 23, 2025