Brandon and Kate Snook

Brandon and Kate Snook are missionaries through ABWE (Association of Baptists for World Evangelism) to Togo, West Africa. They have an extensive background in medicine.  Brandon served his country as a US Air Force trauma surgeon for over 20yrs and Kate is a family nurse practioner.  In addition to their medical expertise, they also serve in the capacity of Bible training to help reach the people of Togo through the Hospital Baptiste Biblique (HBB). 

This hospital functions to help meet the physical needs of the people there and exists as a platform to reach lost souls for Christ, plant indigenous, local, Bible-believing churches, and train the Togolese in medicine and surgery.

Serving God in Togo



  • The Snooks have answered the call to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through evangelism to the Togolese people and church planting in village called Patatouku.  Exterior construction is complete and are now relying on God to provide interior furnishings such as chairs, hymnals

  • The Snook children are involved in children’s Church and relationship building

  • Kate heads a women’s Bible Study



  • Serve in HBB major hospital in south of the country

  • Brandon serves as a surgeon and Kate a nurse at HBB providing excellent medical care with the incomparable blessing of praying for and with their patients.

  • training young African Christian doctors

  • For the development of relationships with the Togolese in the community and within the church

  • For language acquisition, in Ewe and improving in French

  • For the needs of the new church building in Pataouku->supplies and permanent pastor

  • Spiritual protection, growth and encouragement in the family

  • Safety and success for Caydon as he started college

  • Wisdom in planning furlough starting summer 2025

  • Challenging medical and spiritual work at the hospital